Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yes. ANOTHER blog.

To date I've worked over 35 jobs and I'm not even yet 35 myelf.  Is this because I'm a really bad employee and have been fired time and time again?  Answer: No.  (As a matter of fact, I've never been fired once in my life.)  My work experience is abundant simply because I am always doing a lot.  I've been working since it was legal for me to do so and I'm almost always doubled up with a work load - at times I've even tripled up!  And as it happens, my ambitious and hungry nature to always do more extends to my blogging habits.

Here are some facts with roughly estimated figures of my blogging habits:

  • I've blogged since 2001
  • I've created, maintained, and/or quit different blogs upwards of 15 blogs total
  • The majority of the blogs of I have maintained have have lifetimes longer than many people's relationships (I mean things like marriages and things) => These total about five but might be as many as seven
  • Currently I'm managing three blogs in addition to this one
  • I create and delete blogs as a way to organize and compartmentalize parts of my life, ambitions, and creative endeavors
  • I am not a writer by any means and though writing can be cathartic for anybody, I'm pretty terrible at it and most of what I write is riddled with any of the following: spelling errors, improper grammar, awkward sentences, wrong word and punctuation usage, run on sentences and sentence fragments. (Case in point: This entire bullet point.)
But this blog, just like every one before it and everyone after it (if/once I tear it down) has a place and a purpose and I have a serious need for it at this stage in my life.

From here on out, I'm going to try and share (evangelize, if you will) my journey of faith, visions, and creativity.  This includes thoughts I have, observations of life and art I feel are important and integral for understanding faith and living with it, and actual images of things I'm actively working on as a Mixed Media Visual Artist.

For your own (better) understanding, I am ALL of the following and I don't promise you that what I share here won't be influenced by any/all of these things:
  • Christian and firm believer of the Apostles' creed
  • Daily and active reader of the Holy Bible and devotionals of various kinds
  • Wife
  • Mother
  • Daughter
  • Art Education teacher at a Christian high school
  • Very indecisive
  • Realistic but strongly optimistic
  • (For the most part) An introvert as it pertains to the physical side of social interactions
  • A firm believer in the existence and possibility of miracles and the impossible
So, here I am.  And whether you are like me or not, I invite you to bookmark this blog and be a witness to whatever I do here.  And I promise that, above all, even if I make mistakes, everything I offer and share here will be something that I intend for good alone.

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