Thursday, August 16, 2012

iPlan with Keynote: Graphic Design presentation

Here is the quicktime movie of the Graphic Design presentation I will show on the first day of Graphic Design class next week.

(Some of the content within the presentation was not originated by me but proper credit will be given in the narration I provide when I give the presentation to my classes. If you see anything that you have done within my presentation PLEASE accept my gratitude for providing me with such great inspiration to draw from and include and share with my students. Your brilliance will be nothing less than a great springboard for them to create their own amazing works of art.)

Graphic1stDay from dreampraycreate on Vimeo.

Some things I tried to do within the presentation were the following:
  • I really REALLY wanted to not only tell but show what I wanted them to understand. I was very intentional with the images that I used.
  • I didn't want to overload them with information but provide just enough that would probe them to think on their own.
  • I wanted to use only examples of Graphic Design artwork and as many masterworks as I could because I seriously subscribe to the belief that some of the best learning is that done from those who really REALLY know how to do it!
  • I really REALLY wanted to use visual art vocabulary straight away so that they start getting used to hearing it and start get used to applying it and using it.  
  • I absolutely wanted to kick off the class with not only a thought-provoking experience that would *hopefully* inspire very natural discussions and questioning but also catapult them into creative processes that would lead swiftly into an art activity that could be done as soon as the presentation was over. 
So there's my Graphic Design's first day of class plans. Don't forget that I also showed you 2D Design and 3D Design's presentations on the days before today so if you are new here to this blog and haven't seen those, check my archives and you can see them!


    1. From the way the presentation is prepared, it looks like you have to a lot to tell your class about graphic design. I wonder how the presentation went. I personally liked the face of the man that’s transformed into pages of books.

      Andrew - Graphic design company in Miami

      1. Andrew - So glad it is obvious that I do have a lot to tell my classes!!! Despite the fact that this is a one semester high school level graphic design study, I do my best to pack as much into it as possible. Not all that I showed in the presentation (as examples) was what we do in class - like the great example of the man that is transformed into an open book - but even with this being an exploratory and (sort of) foundational course, they do some pretty advanced work with their formative skillsets.


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